We often talk about the value of professional training and development internally, of not just clients but of our own team as well. And we’re certainly been finding at Resource Hub that one of the outcomes of growing rapidly is that we need to find new ways to share the knowledge of our methodologies with new people.
The team have been speaking for while now about best practice methods, what works & what doesn’t, and what recommendations to give to facilities – and how to make sure we capture all of the best ideas from Lacey’s brain. It’s been a big job (Lacey has a big brain), but we are finally reaching that goal now – with a little help from Audrri.
Both Selena and Liz have started delivering operational audits, which they’ll be doing more and more of as they upskill – using our internal audit methodology to head out to site and audit in the same manner that Lacey’s been doing for many years.
Recently, Liz and Lacey worked with the City of Greater Geelong, where they assessed their organics facility, the Drysdale Resource Recovery Centre & Landfill as well as their Moolap kerbside and green waste transfer station.
The intention of the audit was to identify where each of the waste facilities within City of Greater Geelong’s footprint have unique scenarios, but also to find where those opportunities for routine can be found. That is, where they can do things the same way at all sites, learn from each other and potentially cross-skill their team members.
It was fantastic to see Liz tap into the Audrri knowledge base, to ask the critical questions as a starting point, and then to dive deeper into the rabbit hole of queries, specific to each site, to uncover opportunities for awesome improvements.
With a bit of bribery in the form of Daniel’s Donuts to get so many people in a room at the same time, our second day was a full day onsite in Drysdale. with team members from every site engaging well about next steps to improve their customer experience, their regulatory outputs and their confidence in business process and data.
We’re excited to keep progressing this project and see what great initiatives Council is able to implement.
And for those of you who have missed our newly designed auditing software tool, check out this webpage for more info!