We’ve created a free Waste Tracker Factsheet to guide you through everything you may need to know. It’s right below, so click the link to download yours!
Any big changes can be accompanied with equally big confusion, and for Victorian Facilities, some big changes have taken effect from the 1st of July in relation to tracking regulated waste.
A few of our clients have reached out to clarify exactly what the requirements are and we are, as always, happy to help – so let’s talk Waste Tracker.
Waste Tracker is a new system to track reportable priority waste, and it will allow the Environment Protection Authority to see the handling of waste around the state in real-time.
To get up to speed with the new environment protection laws, Waste Tracker system overview and some demos, head to the Victorian EPA and check out their Waste Tracker Webinar.
And if you need a hand implementing any process changes, do not hesitate to give us a call.